Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Unwanted Conversation

So we were in the van this afternoon on the way to get Shay from school. Unfortunately, conversation went a little like this:

Mom:    Elijah Daniel, DO NOT hit _______ again, or you will get a spankin'!

Elijah:    Ok mom, I will not do it again. :-(

(a few minutes later)   *** WHOP***

Mom:    Elijah, why did you hit ______ again after I just told you not too?
Elijah:    I don't know, I guess I wanted a spankin'. :-(
Mom:    Did you not believe that I was serious when I told you I would give you one
             if you hit _______ again?
Elijah, mumbling this time:    Yes. . .
Mom:    Ok, when we get home, I AM going to give you a spankin'.
Elijah:    WHY MOM?  Because I disobeyed?
Mom:    Yes, that is exactly why.

(pulling into the driveway)

Elijah:   Mom?
Mom:   Yes son.
Elijah:   Can you just give me my spankin' NOW before we get into the house?
Mom:   Yes??? Why is that???
Elijah:   Because I know its comin' and I just want to get it over with. . . .


  1. aWW!! MOM!! How can you give him a spanking after that!!

  2. There is a certain attitude change when your kids throw comments like that at you! It's hard to give a spankin' and mean it when you are trying to hold back a good laugh!! With him, that happens to us all the time. We have to be sure and follow through though, or its even worse the next time. He has gotten to where he knows we mean business.
