Monday, September 27, 2010


Yesterday we were blessed with a new oven!!!  PRAISE THE LORD!!! 
For those of you who have ever been to my house, you probably noticed that the old oven needed a bit of help. Actually I think it was the original oven that was in the house when it was built. I won't say it was very old, but close to as old as I am. . . .and it has worked fine for the most part. (Considering that you could only cook on preheat, and only 2 of the 4 top burners actually worked.) However in the last few weeks, we have had problems baking with it. I have honestly tried to avoid baking at all measures trying to grill and use the stove top more. Because when I actually did try to bake in the oven, it just burnt the top of everything. . . no matter what the temp setting. But God is good and our need for a new oven was met. . . and what an awesome surprise!!
But the even bigger blessing was knowing God supplied for our need. Yes, He used some AWESOME people to get the job done. . . and I believe they know exactly how thankful and grateful we are to them!! And I am praying and believing that they are blessed even more for being such a huge blessing to others. (Not just us, but many more) But none the less, I am giving God all the credit!! He has been showing me to trust him for our families needs for a while now. ALL THE GLORY BE TO HIM!!

1 comment:

  1. Hallelujah!! That is such a blessing!! So happy for your family!! Now bake me some cookies!!! lol!!
