Saturday, September 25, 2010

1st Soccer Game

Shaylin has been asking since last fall to play soccer, but Chris and I agreed that she needed to wait until 1st grade to start any extra activities. (After all, Kindergarten gave her a run for her money. We are talking about a kid who never took naps. . . until she started school.)
So this year we gave in after about a month of insisting "We said she could in first grade." The deal was. . . you can play, but no matter what, you have to finish the season. Her team has been practicing on Tuesday and Thursday nights for the past few weeks. Today was the "Big Day"!! The true test as to if she was going to like this sport or not. . .  Her very first game and SHE LOVED IT!! She got in the van after the game was over and could not stop talking about it. I think she was a bit excited. That makes me happy. I am glad that she is doing something she is enjoying. . .  can you imagine what life would have been like if it had been the opposite?
 Her team colors as you can see are neon green and black. . . I'm not sure if its official, but they are calling themselves "The Crushers" and that is exactly what they did this morning. They crushed the other team, winning with a final score of 8 - 3. It's fun to win, and I'm glad they did, but I am hoping that she still likes it as much if the end result isn't so favorable next time!! That is one thing that we are trying really hard to teach our kids right now. . . "Nobody Wins All The Time". Not in sports, not in family game nite, not ever. A hard concept for them to understand, but one that has to be learned.
 I have to admit though, it was quite comical. . . and I started my Saturday morning off with a smile. They are so funny. . . but then I guess all little league sports are. She has games and practices for the next 5 weeks, ending the season by the last weekend of October. Until then. . . I guess I am officially a "Soccer Mom" and I am loving every minute of it!!!


1 comment:

  1. Awww....she looks so cute in her uniform! I LOVE watching my boys play sports...
