Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Today I have been married for 12 years!! WOW. . . always thought about being married forever, but forever seemed like a very long time. The past 12 years have just flown by. Then we added kids to the mix and everything went into hyper-speed. It's been an interesting 12 years. . . but the ride has been great!!
God has been so faithful to us throughout our marriage. He has shown His word true on more than one occasion. He is the glue that has helped us through the hard times, and He is the joy that has brought about the fun things too. As we continue to lean on Him, we are believing to be blessed with many more years to come!


  1. Congrats on your 12 years!!!!! Love seeing the wedding pics!

    Love you guys!

  2. AWW! Congratulations to the both of you!! That is a huge accomplishment!!

  3. Congratulations Dana!! Happy Anniversary and I know there will be many many more :)
