Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Princess!!

It's hard to believe that my little girl is 7 today. Actually she's not so little anymore. She has come a long way from the baby that I came home with a few years ago. It seems like only yesterday, and at the same time it feels like it has been forever. I love her more than she will ever know and I am so thankful for the beautiful joy she has turned out to be.      Happy Birthday Shaylin Grace. I love you!!


  1. Happy Birthday Shaylin!!!! I can't believe she is 7 already...which means Joshua will be turning 7 in a couple months too. They are growing up to fast!!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAYLIN!!! We love you and send you a big birthday hug and kiss. We're so proud of you and you're so special to us. I'm keeping the pictures of us smiling that you drew, on the door, to remind me everyday to keep smiling.

    We love you, sweetie
    Grandma and Grandpa Anderson
